How to Play Tic-Tac-Toe: The Classic Strategy Game

Tic-Tac-Toe, or naughts and crosses, is a simple two-player game that can be played with just a pen and paper. The origins of Tic-Tac-Toe go back a long way, with similar games played in ancient Egypt and Rome.

Learn how to play Tic-Tac-Toe in a few simple steps here.

Number of players2
Game length5 minutes
Game difficultyEasy
What you need to playPen and paper

Object of the Game

The objective of Tic-Tac-Toe is to strategically place three of your symbols in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) on the 3×3 grid. If all the spaces on the grid are filled without any player achieving a winning line, the game ends in a draw.

Setting up the Game

  1. You will need is a piece of paper and a pencil or pen to draw the 3×3 grid.
  2. Draw a 3×3 square grid on the paper, providing nine cells where players can place their symbols.

Playing the Game

  1. Decide which player goes first; the player going first uses the ‘X’ symbol, the other player uses the ‘O’ symbol.

  2. Players take turns placing their symbols (‘O’ or ‘X’) in any empty cell of the grid.

Winning the game

The first player to have three of their symbols in a line (up, down, across, or diagonally) wins the game. They should immediately announce their victory, and the game ends.

If all the cells on the grid are filled, and neither player has a winning line, the game ends in a draw.

Optional Rule Variations

  • Larger Grid: You can increase the grid size for a more challenging game (e.g., 4×4 or 5×5)

Frequently asked questions

Does going first in Tic-Tac-Toe give you an advantage?

Going first in Tic-Tac-Toe will give you a big advantage.

Is it always possible to win a game of Tic-Tac-Toe?

It is not always possible to win. Indeed, if both players play perfectly, a game will always end in a draw. If you go first (in one of the four corners), and your opponent does not go in the centre on Turn 2, you can always win from this position.

How do you win a game of Tic-Tac-Toe when going first?

The below image shows the best spot to go in different scenarios. Going first, the best place to go on turn 1 is one of the corners. If your opponent does not choose the centre spot on the second turn, you can guarantee to win the game providing you make the right moves.

If the opponent does go in the centre spot on Turn 2, it is still possible to win, but not guaranteed. After the opponent has gone in the centre spot on Turn 2, go in the opposite corner to your first move on Turn 3. On Turn 4, if your opponent goes in one of the two remaining corner spots (Scenario E) you can guarantee victory by going in the last remaining corner spot on Turn 5. However, if your opponent does not go in a corner spot on Turn 4 (Scenario), a draw is more than likely.Diagram showing how to win at Tic-Tac-Toe when going first

How do you win a game of Tic-Tac-Toe when going second?

It is very difficult to win a game of Tic-Tac-Toe when going second. However, it is always possible to draw. If your opponent starts in the corner, make sure you go in the centre.

Where can I play Tic-Tac-Toe online?

A simple version of the game can be played here.

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