How to Play Kemps: A Card Game of Secret Signals

Kemps is card game played in two teams of two involving secret signals.

Learn how to play this unique game in a few simple steps.

Number of players4
Game length15 minutes
Game difficultyMedium
What you need to playA standard deck of playing cards

If you enjoy Kemps, check out this list of the top games to play with a deck of cards.

Object of the game

The goal of Kemps is to be the first team to accumulate five points. Points are won by players collecting four cards of the same rank (e.g. 4 sixes) and signalling to their partner without the opponents catching on.

Setting up the game

  1. Divide players into two teams of two people each. Each teammate should sit across from their partner to facilitate communication and signalling.
  2. Deal four cards face down to each player, ensuring that the cards remain hidden from opponents. Additionally, place four cards face up in the center of the table for players to exchange during gameplay.

Playing the game

  1. There are no formal rounds in Kemps. Players can take cards from the centre of the table and replace them with the same number of cards from their hand at any time.

  2. The objective is to collect four cards of the same rank. When a player believes their partner has four of a kind, they shout “Kemps.” This ends the current round, and the partner’s cards are revealed.

  3. If the call was correct, the team earns a point. If incorrect, the opposing team receives a point.

  4. Any player can also call “stop Kemps” if they think their opponents have four of a kind. Both opponents’ cards are revealed, and if the call was correct, the calling team earns a point.

  5. Before the game, teams should agree on a subtle visual signal (e.g., winking or touching the nose) to indicate when they have four of a kind. False signals can be used to confuse opponents.

Special rules

  • If players stop exchanging cards with the centre, the dealer replaces those four cards. If the deck runs out, shuffle and re-deal. Neither team scores a point for that round.
  • At the end of each round, teams can change the signal used to indicate four of a kind.
  • An optional variation allows opposing players to guess the signal used when “Kemps” is called. If they guess correctly, no points are awarded to the team that called “Kemps.”

Winning the game

The winning team is the first to accumulate five points.

Frequently asked questions

What are examples of Kemps signals?

Kemps signals are typically non-verbal and can be anything agreed upon by the team. Some common signals include tapping the table, touching the nose, or any other discrete gesture that the team can use to communicate the presence of four of a kind.

Can I play Kemps with more than four players?

Yes, Kemps can be played with more than four players. To accommodate more players, you can form teams of two and continue gameplay in a clockwise order. The first team to reach the designated point goal wins.

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