Easter egg hunt clues for adults: Amazing riddles for home locations

There is noting quite like the thrill of an egg hunt on Easter morning. Whilst some Easter egg hunts involve a random search for hidden eggs inside or outside the house, my favorite ones require you to solve riddles or clues, with each one leading onto the next.

Here are a number of riddles that you can use as clues in your Easter egg hunts. They are a bit tricky, so I think are most suitable for adults. The answer to each riddle is a location in the home. So, after solving the riddle, the person taking part in the egg hunt will be directed to that place where the next riddle will be found.

Keys but no locks riddle with an arrow pointing to the answer with Easter eggs

Easter egg hunt clues for adults

  1. Usually these are hidden, they are sometimes on a plate. What is bought for dinner, but are never ate?
  2. Using this, you can get into a grove. What goes up and down but never ever moves?
  3. Morning or evening, give it a try. What gets wet while it dries?
  4. Going here is a true delight. What looses its head in the morning but gets it back at night?
  5. Dry outside, but wet within. What never moves, but often spins?
  6. This next clue might put you in a flap. What has hands, but cannot clap?
  7. Here there are keys, without any locks. What can you enter, without having to knock?
  8. This is something you may use at first light. What has many teeth, but cannot bite?
  9. Sat next to this, books are often read. What dies when drinking, but thrives when fed?
  10. What has mountains, but no trees? No houses, yet many cities? No fish, but several seas?
  11. What has a T at the start of it and a T at the end. Inside of it also is T of a certain blend.
  12. Tall when young, short when old. What when you keep it very close, ensures you wont get cold?


  1. Cutlery
  2. Stairs
  3. Towel
  4. Pillow
  5. Washing machine
  6. Clock
  7. Keyboard
  8. Comb
  9. Fire
  10. Map
  11. Teapot
  12. Candle

List of Easter egg hunt clues for adults

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