How to Play Cheat: A Card Game of Honesty and Deception

In Cheat (also known as “I Doubt It,” or “Bluff.”), participants challenge each other’s honesty and memory whilst trying to get rid of their own cards by any means possible.

Learn how to play Cheat in a few simple steps.

Number of players3 to 10
Game Length30 minutes
Game Difficulty Easy
What you need to playA standard deck of cards

If you enjoy Cheat, check out this list of the top games to play with a deck of cards.

Object of the Game

In Cheat, players aim to be the first to discard all their cards by either honest, or less than honest means.

Setting Up the Game

Shuffle the deck thoroughly. Designate a dealer who will distribute the cards face-down to all players. The game proceeds in a clockwise direction.

Playing the Game

  1. On a player’s turn, they must play face-down into a discard pile any number of cards from their hand. As they do so, they announce both the number of cards being played and a single value for all those cards (for example, they might say “I am discarding two kings”).

  2. Players can freely lie about the number of cards and the value they are playing. Deception is a crucial element of the game.

  3. If a player suspects that the current player is lying about the cards they’ve played, they can call “cheat!” After this call, the cards played are revealed.

  4. If the announced value and number of cards played match the actual cards, the challenger (the player who called “cheat”) must take all the cards in the discard pile. If the announced details are incorrect, the player who made the false announcement collects the discard pile.

  5. After a “cheat!” call, play resumes to the left of the challenged player. The game continues with players taking turns and playing cards as before.

Winning the Game

The player who successfully discards all of their cards first is declared the winner.


  1. Higher Rank Announcement: Allow players to announce any value higher in rank than the previous announcement. For instance, after a player announces “King,” the next player’s announcement can be of any rank.
  2. Incremental Rank Announcement: Enable players to announce either the same rank or a rank one higher than the previous announcement, adding an intriguing twist to the game’s dynamics.

Frequently asked questions

Can I lie when I play my cards?

Yes, lying is a fundamental aspect of Cheat. When you play your cards, you can announce a different rank or quantity than what you’re actually playing to try to trick other players.

Do I need to lie when playing the game

Although it is within the rules to lie when playing cards, you do not have to. In fact, you can play the game completely honestly.

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